Pack Monadnock 10 Miler
Sunday, May 18, 2025
9am start. Sunshine start available at 8:30am
$40 early bird entry fee befor April 30th, $50 after April 1st
Race shirts will be available to anyone who pre-registers before May 1st
The race is part of both the USATS New England Mountain Series and the Northeast Delta Dental Mountain Challenge series
New this year.
The race starts on Highland Street, a short walk from the Wilton-Lyndeborough High School in Wilton NH.
The race finishes at the top of Pack Monadnock next to the fire tower.
Packet Pick-Up
Packet pick-up is available on race day at Wilton-Lyndeborough High School beginning at 7am.
Race-Day Registration Available
Race-day registration is available at Wilton-Lyndeborough High School from 7:00am -8:45am. The entry fee is $50 for the 10 miler . We do not accept credit cards. Race shirts will be available to anyone who pre-registers before May 1st
Parking is available at the start at Wilton-Lyndeborough High School and near the finish at Temple Mountain Ski area. This is a point-to-point race and so those runners who choose to park at the start will need to find their own way back after the race. It is is recommended that runners coordinate, some parking at the start, others parking at the finish and carpooling. A number of you have asked about shuttle service from the Temple Mtn parking area back to the start area ... in response to overwhelming demand we WILL be offering shuttle service this year, though with only a couple drivers and well over 100 runners already we can't promise that we'll get you back in the most expeditious manner. So our advice is: if you can arrange a ride on your own then do so, but if you're in a pinch then we'll make sure you get back to your car.
There will likely be a 10-15 degree drop in temperature from the start to the finish. Runners are advised to bring warm, dry clothing to wear following the race. Runners' gear will be transported to Miller State Park by an official vehicle.
Gear Drop-Off
All runners are allowed 1 bag that will be transported to Miller State Park. Please do not put any valuables or fragile items in your bag as we cannot take responsibility for missing, stolen or broken items.
You will receive a tag in your packet which you will need to attach to your bag--bib number on one side, name and telephone number on the other.
Tagged bags should be left in front of the school near the sign, "GEAR VEHICLE DROP-OFF". Bags will be loaded into the gear vehicle at 8:50am. Please do not leave your bag in this area after this time. If you do, there is a chance it will be left behind. Once we leave the school, we do not return.
Following the Race...
Because the road to the top of Pack Monadnock Mountain is closed, once runners finish, they will walk down to Temple Mountain Ski Area parking lot (1.3mi), keeping to the right to give runners right of way. If a runner is medically unable to walk down, a race official will provide a ride down after the race.
Post-Race Refreshments
Please join us for post-race food and refreshments at the Temple Mountain Ski Area. The tent will be located at the back of the parking lot, through the gate and up a small hill.
The top male and female overall and the top male and female in each age group will be awarded.

This course was designed to give runners a hill-climb challenge and to test strength and endurance. The race starts on Highland Street near Wilton-Lyndeborough High School. It runs uphill for the first mile. At the first mile marker, the course flattens out as it turns onto Sand Hill Road (gravel) and remains flat for about one half mile. There will be a rolling uphill grade as Sand Hill road ends and merges onto Davisville Road (paved) through mile three. Next, the course turns left onto Burton Highway with gradual uphill and rolling terrain. At the 5.1 mile mark there will be a water stop. At approximately 5.5 miles, there is steep 1/4-mile climb. The course bears left onto Webster Highway for 1.5 miles of relatively flat, rolling paved road. At mile 7, the course bears right onto Old Revolutionary Rd. (gravel) and goes uphill for one-half mile and flattens out for one-half mile. Just before mile 8, the course turns onto Rt. 101 (paved) and climbs a steep hill grade for 1/2 mile. The course becomes relatively flat for 2/10 mile as it passes Temple Mountains Ski Area. The last 1.3 miles of the course climb the paved switch-back road in Miller State Park to the summit of Pack Monadnock Mountain. The last 1.3 miles are as steep as or steeper than Mt. Washington.