Mine Falls Summer Trail Series Logo

Volunteer Information

Thank you for volunteering! If you haven't volunteered with MFSTS before, or maybe you are considering volunteering but haven't signed up, here is some information about the volunteer positions. You can sign up for open spots on our SignupGenius page when signups open in early May!

MFSTS sincerely appreciates all our volunteers - we couldn't put on this inexpensive weekly race for the community without your support! If you're able to help the club and race out, the RDs are looking at possible swag options to show that we appreciate you!

Volunteer locations are noted on the map below. Note the numbers on the map correlate with the numbers from the description.

Please feel free to bring a friend to hang out with at your volunteer position!  We welcome friends of the race and hope more people will be able to come out and enjoy the park and keep our volunteers company.

All volunteers! If you are available to come early for setup, any extra help is appreciated! The RDs aim to be on site with the equipment between 4:30 and 5:00pm each week.

Spot 1: Setup
Location: Across from the YMCA on Stadium Drive in Nashua, next to the skate park
Responsibilities: Unload equipment and supplies, set up finish line/area, set up the registration tent and area, set up a water stop.
Time: 4:45ish to 6:00
Parking: Park at the YMCA and check in with Rob, Ken or Marie.
** Yes, you can volunteer to do setup and still run the race!  (And have time for a warm up run!)

Spot 1: Registration Tent
Location: Across from the YMCA on Stadium Drive in Nashua, next to the skate park
Responsibilities: Hand out bibs, answer questions, accept applications from new runners, cash handling for new applicants.
Time: 5:45 to 6:30
Parking: Park at the YMCA and check in with Marie and/or Michelle.
** Yes, you can volunteer at the registration tent and still run the race!

Spot 1: Take Down
Location: Across from the YMCA on Stadium Drive in Nashua, next to the skate park
Responsibilities: Take down tents and pack up all equipment and supplies into the trailer.
Time: 7:30 to 8:00
Parking: Park at the YMCA and check in with Rob or Marie.
** Yes, you can volunteer for take down and still run the race!

Spot 2: Starting Line (No volunteers needed at this time)

Spot 3: Finish Line Timers
Location: Across from the Registration Tent
Responsibilities: Record times as participants cross the finish line.
Time: 6:30 to 7:45
Parking: Park at the YMCA and check in with Marie.

Spot 4. Corner from Stadium Drive into Mine Falls Park (No volunteers needed at this time)

Spot 5: High School Bridge
Location: The bridge by Nashua High School South, on the park side.  (Not the high school side)
- When runners are coming from the start, direct 5K runners over the bridge and 5M runners down the paved path towards Hannaford.
- Returning runners from the 5K coming from the main trail (Spine Road) go straight back to the Registration Tent and Finish Line.
- Returning runners from the 5 mile coming from the paved path go across the bridge and take the immediate right on to the technical trail.
Time: 6:30 to 7:40
Parking: Check in with Marie and you can walk to the bridge (about 1 mile) or park at Nashua High School South and walk a few minutes to the bridge.

Spot 6: Flagpole (Two positions)
Location: The flagpole by the soccer fields, just across the bridge from the Whipple Street park entrance.
Spot 6a Responsibilities: Stand on the side of the bridge near to the Whipple Street entrance. 5K runners will be approaching from the left as you face the bridge and should be directed across the bridge.
Spot 6b Responsibilities: Stand by the flagpole and direct 5K runners coming across the bridge to go to the runner's left. (Your right as you face the bridge) 5 mile runners will be coming from your left and will go the same way as the 5K runners.
Time: 6:30 to 7:35
Parking: Check in with Marie and you can walk to the flagpole (about 1.5 miles) or park at the Whipple Street entrance which is only a few hundred yard walk from the volunteer positions.

Spot 7: Water Stop
Location: Just past the highway overpass from the Whipple Street entrance where there is a small grassy triangle and the main path forks.
Responsibilities: Offer bottles of water to runners. Direct runners returning from the 5K to stay along the canal to the runners left. Runners from the 5 mile will take the other side of the fork on their right. Help put up signage, take down signage, and clean up the trail of water bottles (and any other trash, really).
Time: 6:30 to 7:45
Parking: Water supplies will be left at Whipple Street most weeks. This will be coordinated. Check in with Marie and drive to the Whipple Street entrance and walk over, or go straight there and check in with Ken and just text Marie. The water stop is about a 5 minute walk from the park entrance.

5 Mile Course Positions

Spot 8: 5M Pavement Turn
Location: At the pavement a couple of hundred yards from the Nashua High School Bridge towards Hannafords where the 5 mile course will turn from the paved path onto the downhill towards the brook bridge and the YMCA.
Responsibilities: Direct 5 mile runners to take the runner's left.  (Your right as you face them)
Time: 6:30 to 7:00
Parking: Check in with Marie and walk to the spot (about 1 mile) or park at the Lincoln Park entrance and walk (about 1/3 of a mile). You could also park at Nashua High South and walk over. It will also be about 1/3 of a mile.

Spot 9: Emily's Don't Get Lost Turn
Location: The sharp right turn from the runner's perspective just down the hill from the 5M Pavement Turn.
Responsibilities: Make sure runners take that sharp right.
Time: 6:30 to 7:00
Parking: Check in with Marie and walk to the spot (about 1 mile) or park at the Lincoln Park entrance and walk (about 1/3 of a mile). You could also park at Nashua High South and walk over. It will also be about 1/3 of a mile.

Spot 10: Kent's 5M Soccer Field Turn
Location: The turn from Spine Road onto the path that goes behind the soccer fields, about 1/2 way between the highway overpass and the flagpole.
Responsibilities: Make sure 5 mile runners take the runner's left to go behind the soccer fields.
Time: 6:35 to 7:00
Parking: Check in with Marie and walk to the spot (about 1.5 miles) or drive to the Whipple Street entrance and walk (about 1/4 of a mile).

Spot 11: 5M Exiting Soccer Field Loop
Location: Where the 5m course comes out from behind the soccer fields onto Spine Road, a couple hundred yards from the flagpole. (Facing the soccer fields, go right and the path will be on your left)
Responsibilities: Make sure 5 mile runners take their right out of the path back onto Spine Road heading back towards the flagpole.
Time: 6:45 to 7:20
Parking: Check in with Marie and walk to the spot (about 1.5 miles) or drive to the Whipple Street entrance and walk (about 1/3 of a mile).

Spot 12: 5M to the Bridge Turn
Location: At the top of the little hill after the water stop, about 200 yards before the pavement.
Responsibilities: Direct the runners to take their left going up the crossover that heads towards the high school bridge.
Time: 6:50 to 7:30
Parking: Check in with Marie and walk to the spot (about 1 mile) or park at the Lincoln Park entrance and walk (about 1/3 of a mile). You could also park at Nashua High South and walk over. It will also be about 1/3 of a mile.
