Bus to the Boston Marathon
The Gate City Striders offers runners of the Boston Marathon the opportunity to commute together to the race.
Bus departs the lower parking lot of the 99 Restaurant/Clarion Inn, 10 St. Laurent Street, Exit 7E, Nashua, NH promptly at 6:30AM on Marathon Monday in order to arrive in Hopkinton by 8:00AM, per the Boston Athletic Association.
Post Race Meet Up
Our room where you can shower, enjoy light refreshments, and celebrate after your finish is located in the Hotel Commonwealth (500 Commonwealth Ave. Boston, MA). This is just by the Kenmore T-Station about 1 mile from the finish line. Room number will be provided once the event draws closer.
The bus will depart back for Nashua at approximately 6:30 PM. Pickup location will be in the vicinity of the Hotel Commonwealth. Exact location will be determined at the hotel.
We are bringing back the bag drop! Your fee includes an optional bag drop in Nashua the Saturday or Sunday before the race. Your bag will be available for you at the hotel after you finish the race on Monday. Details on exact bag drop location and time to be announced as we get closer to the event.
Please note, that your spot is not confirmed until payment is received: