35 events found.
Latest Past Events
Indoor Track
Indoor Track 2020Season Indoor coached track workouts- Registration for the 2020 Session is now OPEN. WHAT: This is a 10 week indoor track workout coached by our GCS team of coaches.% The Hampshire Dome track is 1/5 of a mile.% That’s almost like being at the Nashua High track. Important Note: For safety reasons, […]
Freeze Your Buns 5K (Week 5)
Conway Arena, 8 Riverside Street, Nashua, NH Conway Arena, 8 Riverside Street, NashuaFreeze Your Buns is a Classic New England Winter 5K race series. This is an all-volunteer run, NO-FRILLS, flat, FUN, 3(ish)-loop course starting and ending at Conway Arena, 8 Riverside Street, Nashua. Hot beverages and light refreshments provided post-race. Cost is $5/race ($3/race if you are under 18); $20 for the series ($12 for the […]