
Martha’s Vineyard 20 Miler

The Martha’s Vineyard 20 Miler is a must race for die-hard runners of many levels. From highly competitive athletes looking for a test of their Boston and spring marathon readiness, to dedicated recreational runners seeking to extend the length of their monthly long-run, this race offers the chance to combine a visit to one of the […]

Freeze Your Buns 5K (Week 4)

Conway Arena, 8 Riverside Street, Nashua, NH Conway Arena, 8 Riverside Street, Nashua, NH, United States

Freeze Your Buns is a Classic New England Winter 5K race series. This is an all-volunteer run, NO-FRILLS, flat, FUN, 3(ish)-loop course starting and ending at Conway Arena, 8 Riverside Street, Nashua. Hot beverages and light refreshments provided post-race. Cost is $5/race ($3/race if you are under 18); $20 for the series ($12 for the […]

Freeze Your Buns 5K (Week 5)

Conway Arena, 8 Riverside Street, Nashua, NH Conway Arena, 8 Riverside Street, Nashua, NH, United States

Freeze Your Buns is a Classic New England Winter 5K race series. This is an all-volunteer run, NO-FRILLS, flat, FUN, 3(ish)-loop course starting and ending at Conway Arena, 8 Riverside Street, Nashua. Hot beverages and light refreshments provided post-race. Cost is $5/race ($3/race if you are under 18); $20 for the series ($12 for the […]

ABLE’s Virtual Race for Disability Justice

GCS Member Chloe Bertrand and her family are working with ABLE NH to celebrate the 30th Anniversary of the passing of the Americans with Disabilities Act by holding a virtual walk/run/roll event that can be run anytime between May 9th and May 24th.  Participants can choose 5k, 10k, 10 mile, or 30k distances, and all […]